Who said that it’s hard to buy gifts for guys? That may have been true once, but not anymore, thanks to our terrific International Beers Hamper. After all, what man can resist beer?
Heineken Lager 330ml
Peroni Nastro Azzuro 330ml
Corona Extra Lager Long Neck 330ml
Stella Artois Lager 375ml
Becks Lager 330ml
Just Jerky Original Beef Jerky 25g
Simon Johnson Wasabi Peanuts 100g
Port Willunga Fine Foods Roasted and Salted South Australian Pistachios 100g
Red Rock Deli Style Honey Soy Chicken Potato Chips 45g
Red Rock Deli Style Sweet Chilli & Sour Cream Potato Chips 45g
Stylishly presented in our Gourmet Basket Signature Gift Box finished with ribbon, tissue and gift card
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