The great gift for all outdoor adventurers, perfect for days on the green, at the beach or the park.
Motley Cru Shiraz 750ml
Alpenhain Prestige Brie 125g
Maggie Beer Quince Paste 100g
Port Willunga Boxed Salted Pistachios 90g
Falwasser Sesame Crispbread 120g
Rolada Fig and Walnut 150g
Ogilvie & Co. Mixed Olives and Roasted Peppers Antipasto 115g
Ogilvie & Co. Caramel Onion and Balsamic Relish 135g
Four Person Picnic Bag. Includes waiters friend, 4 glasses, 4 plastic plates, 4, knives, forks, spoons, salt and pepper shakers. 430mm(h) x 340mm(w) x 75mm(d)
Stylishly presented in our Gourmet Basket Signature packaging finished with ribbon, tissue and gift card
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